Browsing: Graphenes
The Würzburg model system consisting of two nanographene layers that can absorb and bind chloride…
Characterization of the Gr and FGr. Credit: Applied Physics Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0197942 Researchers from…
Selective control of proton transport and hydrogenation in double-gated graphene devices. Credit: Nature (2024). DOI:…
The Hone lab at Columbia Engineering created over 100 identical graphene samples with their oxygen-free…
Artist’s representation of moving charges in naturally occurring bilayer graphene. Credit: Lukas KrollResearchers have shown…
Left: Top view of the moiré pattern formed by sandwiching monolayer graphene between top and…
It is a material hailed as a transformative breakthrough in the world of technology –…